Thoughts from a Dreamwork Artist
The Journey, pen and ink by Kristina Hutch Matthews
Every night, after we fall asleep, we go on a journey that involves other realms, parallel universes, exploration of our deepest desires and fears, and transformative healing and growth. This happens whether we realize it or not, whether we remember our dreams or not. When we make the effort to consciously recall and honor this work that happens during the dreamtime, our potential for growth is enhanced exponentially.
We discover that this plane of the 4th dimension is available to each and every one of us, inviting us to dialogue with it, and with our soul mates in this third dimension that we know as daily life. We have the opportunity to play out scenarios that could actually exist in the 3D realm, as well as some that exist only symbolically and metaphorically.
During our travels into the 4th dimension, we can dance with our shadows, battle with the aspects of ourselves that scare us the most, and eventually, perhaps, find the courage to sit down and address these shadows face-to-face.
My dreams provide me with rich creative material that is reflected in my art, and my artwork continues the spiraling dialogue with my dreams.
It is a journey like no other, and just as one finds when traveling in foreign lands, the language of dreams must be assimilated over time, through experience and dedicated study. The archetypal language of dream symbols is a powerful connector for all of humanity. In addition, we often find that we share dream experiences with those whom we come into contact with in the 3D realm. There is a powerful intimacy that comes with sharing this raw emotional material with others, who often are able to shine light on things we might not see about ourselves.
These are just a few of the powerful experiences one will find in the process of Group Projective Dreamwork. If you are interested in having me project on a dream for you (an expansive form of dream analysis that always leaves the final interpretation up to the dreamer), you may contact me at Kristina@kristinahutchmatthews.com. I also lead dream study workshops at the Penfield Arts Center. For more info on those classes, you may visit www.Penfieldartscenter.com.